C.S. Lewis’ Atheism and ‘Argument Against God’ Were Totally Imploded by Stunning Realization Leading Him to Christ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire
GNN Note – C.S. Lewis is one of the great theologians that helped shape my life. Thank you, God, for always using the appropriate “fisherman” to help bring people to Christ for all of time. / END
Stage actor Max McLean has a long history of bringing renowned author C.S. Lewis’ literary creations to life, portraying the theologian and his projects.
McLean’s film “The Most Reluctant Convert,” which starts streaming on Pure Flix Dec. 24, is no exception, as the movie sheds light on the “remarkable spiritual journey of C.S. Lewis,” the renowned author of “Mere Christianity,” “The Chronicles of Narnia,” and “The Screwtape Letters,” among other iconic texts.
McLean is perhaps uniquely suited to answer some of the deepest questions about Lewis’ faith journey from atheism to Christianity, with the actor telling CBN’s Faithwire about the issues that most fuelled Lewis’ initial skepticism.
“He said his argument against God … was the universe was so cruel and unjust,” McLean said. “But then he asked himself, ‘Where’d you get this notion of cruel and unjust? You call a line crooked because you have some idea of a straight line.’”
Despite feeling the world had no meaning, Lewis eventually came to see humans as creatures with purpose and value. McLean explained how Lewis initially lived in a “realm of contradictions” before embracing Jesus.
Some of his life experiences fueled that internal chaos.
“[Lewis] lost his mother to cancer when he was nine. He had a very strange relationship with his father, which he regretted all his life,” he said. “He was in the trenches during World War I and saw the butchery of trench warfare, and he came to the conclusion: either there’s no God behind the universe, a God who’s indifferent to good and evil — or worse — an evil God.”